Lamar Jackson vs Justin Herbert: Who is the better QB right now?

Both Lamar Jackson and Justin Herbert are coming off huge games before they face each other in Week 6. As the Los Angeles Chargers take on the Baltimore Ravens, all eyes will be on their respective quarterbacks. Lamar Jackson inspired his team to a come-from-behind victory against the Indianapolis Colts the previous week. Meanwhile, Justin Herbert was not too shabby either in his demolition of the Cleveland Browns defense.

So, who is in a better form right now? Let’s take a look.

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Who comes into this game hotter: Lamar Jackson or Justin Herbert?

Justin Herbert had an amazing game against the Cleveland Browns. He threw for 398 yards and four touchdowns against a defense that had only allowed 13 points in the last two weeks. In the Chargers’ 47-42 victory, Justin Herbert seemed to have set the week’s benchmark for his contemporaries.

Then, in the last game of the week, Lamar Jackson blew through that. The Baltimore Ravens were down by 19 points against the Indianapolis Colts before Jackson masterminded his team’s comeback. He threw for 442 yards and had four touchdowns of his own.

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Looking at the last game alone, it seems quite clear that Lamar Jackson is in better form than Justin Herbert. But a glance at the whole season exhibits just how good both of them have been this season.

Justin Herbert currently sits on 1,576 passing yards, good enough for fourth in the league. Lamar Jackson is close behind with 1,519 yards. It shows Lamar Jackson and Justin Herbert are roughly in the same ballpark with their passing this year.

Both of them still have their differences, though. Justin Herbert is more of a classic quarterback who stands tall in the pocket and has a vicious throw. Lamar Jackson, on the other hand, is perhaps nothing like anyone has ever seen before in the NFL. He runs like a running back and throws like a quarterback.

Taking just the previous games of each player, Lamar Jackson is in slightly better form. But, considering the past five weeks, Justin Herbert stands out. When it all comes to the head, form will go out the window and it will all be about who performs better on the day.

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