1 Name Date Mastering the Content Assessment: The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Circle the letter next to the best answer. 1. Why is King Tut one of the most well- known pharaohs? A. Tut lived and ruled for more than 70 years. B. Amazing artifacts were found in Tut’s tomb. C. Tut was the first woman to claim power over Egypt. D. Trade expeditions helped Tut learn about faraway lands. 2. Why did the ancient Egyptians make mummies? A. to decorate palaces of the pharaohs B. to preserve dead bodies of the pharaohs C. to transport goods up and down the Nile D. to educate and protect the royal children 3. What was a major purpose for building the pyramids? A. temples for religious worship B. storehouses for reserves of grain C. homes for the pharaohs’ servants D. tombs for pharaohs when they died 4. What is one characteristic for which Egypt s Middle Kingdom is especially famous? A. reunification B. great pharaohs C. widespread wars D. military conquests 5. Which period is often called the Golden Age, a time when Egypt had reached the height of its power? A. the Old Kingdom B. the Middle Kingdom C. the New Kingdom D. after the New Kingdom 6. What was one method Khufu used to ensure that his power would be accepted? A. He declared that he was a god. B. He had many children. C. He made strong treaties. D. He killed his rivals. 7. It was built from more than 2 million stone blocks. It had tunnels inside. What was it? A. the Sphinx B. the White Chapel C. the temple at Abu Simbel D. the Great Pyramid at Giza
2 8. Senusret I controlled a source of natural resources that were used in beautiful works of art. What was that source A. forests of giant cedar trees B. hot, bubbling mineral springs C. mines for gold, copper, and gems D. flocks of birds with scarlet feathers 9. Why did archaeologists reconstruct the White Chapel? A. It offered tourists shade while they waited for a guide. B. It gave the scientists a place to study what they dug up. C. It was an experiment to learn old construction methods. D. It was built by Senusret I but had been taken apart by a later ruler 10. Hatshepsut was the first pharaoh who was A. a god. B. a child. C. a priest. D. a woman. 11. Look at this picture. Under which of these pharaohs did this activity most likely take place? A. Khufu B. Senusret I C. Ramses II D. Hatshepsut 12. Which phrase best describes Hatshepsut s monument at Dayr al-bahri? A. a pyramid constructed in the open desert B. a mud-brick structure found on an island C. a shrine dug out of rock below ground level D. a great temple built into a cliff above the river
3 13. Look at the timeline. In which time period did Egypt have a pharaoh who was especially known for promoting trade? A. between 2600 and 2500 B.C.E. B. between 2000 and 1900 B.C.E. C. between 1500 and 1400 B.C.E. D. between 1300 and 1200 B.C.E. 14. Answer the riddle below. I ruled Egypt for more than 60 years. I was a famous military leader. I had hundreds of statues of me built – all over Egypt! Who was I? A. Khufu B. Senusret I C. Ramses II D. Hatshepsut 15. Who signed the world s first peace treaty? A. Egypt and the Hittites B. Egypt and the Persians C. Egypt and the Assyrians D. Egypt and the Babylonians 16. Compared with any other pharaoh in history, Ramses II produced more A. books of scholarship. B. temples and monuments. C. maps based on expeditions. D. inventions to use in warfare.
4 Applying Social Studies Skills Use the chart, the map, and your knowledge of history to answer the questions. Write the word(s) or phrase(s) in the space provided. 17. Historians and archaeologists have used written records to learn about individual pharaohs. Using information from the chart, what two forms of these written records can you find?
5 18. What geographical change, over time, do the sites of the major monuments show? 19. What are three ways the pharaohs interacted with neighboring peoples?
6 Exploring the Essential Question: What did the pharaohs of ancient Egypt accomplish, and how did they do it? Follow the directions to complete the item below. 20. Suppose that you are a travel writer for a newspaper or magazine. You are visiting the main temple at Abu Simbel and see four 66-foot statues of Ramses II at the entrance. This image shows one of the four statues. Write a short article of two paragraphs, describing the statue shown in this image. Make sure your article engages the interest of the reader. states the topic clearly. follows a clear organizational pattern. develops the topic with supporting details. uses precise verbs, nouns, and adjectives to paint a visual image in the mind of the reader. ends with a summary related to the purpose for writing.